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NWI Food Drive is Friday! | Kusiak & WJOB Listeners Fight the Good Fight

Jim Janesheski

13 December 2023

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NWI Food Drive is Friday! | Kusiak & WJOB Listeners Fight the Good Fight [2023 Edition]

 It’s Christmas Time in the region and Kusiak Construction and the WJOB Listeners are once again fighting the good fight. Back for the 4th year, this Friday morning starting at 6am, people and businesses are being asked to drop off food and cash donations to help the Food Bank of NWI.

The story of how this Food Drive got started is a good one, and in this article, you’ll discover it.  You’ll also learn how you can make a difference by dropping off your donation in front of the WJOB on Indianapolis Ave. The warm smiles you’ll receive is worth every penny you’ll donate! Volunteers will greet you and accept your generous gift.

The No-Nonsense Drive for the Food Bank of Northwest Indiana

Notre Dame’s Drayk Bowen: talks football during last year’s NWI Food Drive

Kusiak Construction and his WJOB Listeners are partnering with businesses and people around Northwest Indiana in a “no-nonsense drive” to fight hunger in the Region. On Friday, December 15th from 6:00 am -9:00 am located at the WJOB radio station at 7150 Indianapolis Blvd Hammond, IN

As part of the Kusiak Cares efforts to give back, Dave Kusiak is collecting much-needed food items for the FoodBank of Northwest Indiana. While the Kusiak family organizes the event, it is the entire region that makes the food drive a success. People from all over Northwest Indiana contribute in many ways. Last year’s fundraiser got a boost when Notre Dame’s Drayk Bowen was a guest on Kusiak’s radio program while the listeners delivered the goods!

The community is asked to park in front of WJOB, where volunteers will help unload the bags of food. You can expect a warm thank you! It’s a region thing!

According to  Julia Kusiak, “Bring nonperishable items such as canned proteins, peanut butter, and unsalted nuts, mixes, and cereals made with water, canned/dried beans, lentils, chickpeas, ready-to-eat fruit such as fruit cups, squeezable fruit, sauces.”

Please make check donations payable to: Food Bank of NWI

Kusiak’s Fourth Annual Food Drive | Who, What, Where and How!
The media covers the event while it happens at the Kusiak Food Drive

All donations cash/checks/food go directly to the Food Bank of Northwest Indiana. If you are unable to make it Friday morning, please feel free to drop off donations to our office at 1235 Summer Street Hammond, IN 46320 until Thursday 12/14/23 at 4:00 pm or call into WJOB for your pledge Friday morning between 6-7am and 8-9am.

Kusiak Cares Can Drive

Food Bank of Northwest Indiana

6:00-9:00 am -Friday, December 16th 

WJOB Radio Station- 7150 Indianapolis Blvd in Hammond, IN

People and Businesses can drop off Non-Perishable Food Items this Friday, December 16th from 6:00-9:00 am

truck filled with donated food in Northwest Indiana - Kusiak cares


Dave Kusiak has a passion for helping people and feels very blessed to have been brought up in the Region. He feels it’s his responsibility as a business owner to pay it forward. But as a businessman, giving back comes with a direct approach and using networks and relationships to get the job done.

Four years ago when Kusiak first thought of ideas of how he could help people during the holiday season, he knew the best approach was to work with the right people, utilize the right resources, and find a cause where all the proceeds would go directly to the cause.

Finding a cause was easy. Dave chose the Food Bank of Northwest Indiana for its commitment to feeding people all over Northwest Indiana.

Food and Donations are being raised for the Food Bank of Northwest Indiana

Just check out the facts on the Food Bank of Northwest Indiana and you’ll quickly see why Kusiak Cares loves supporting this Pantry.

The Food Bank of Northwest Indiana has been leading the Region’s fight against hunger since 1982 and distributes more than 4.5 million meals each year to hungry kids, adults, and seniors across Lake and Porter counties.

Each month the Food Bank serves more than 23,000 individuals through its 100+ partner agencies and programs like Mobile Marketplace, Commodity Supplemental Food Program for seniors, and the BackPack program

Two ways you can help us Fight Hunger:

Lisa and Julia Kusiak reward donations with a warm smile! Cheers!


1. Share this post. Tell family and friends.
2. Donate money and/or food on 12/10/21 from 6 am-9 am.
We are accepting cash and check donations. Please make checks out directly to “Food Bank of Northwest Indiana”

Partnering with Kusiak’s listeners to help families was efficient and smart!

kusiak Family fighting hunger

The Kusiak Family Drive is in its fourth year. This photo was taken in 2021.

Kusiak’s approach to fighting hunger is similar to how he runs Kusiak Construction. Work hard and make it happen! Kusiak and his family and his home improvement team called partners, vendors, and suppliers for cash donations. By priming the collections with his own cash donation, others are inspired to start writing checks to the Food Bank of Northwest Indiana. In NWI, you put your money where your mouth is. Kusiak offers this link for anyone that wants to write a check or set up a payment plan.  Food Bank of Northwest Indiana.

Kuisak counts on his family and team to help, but he also leverages his popular radio show on WJOB as a means to help the Food Bank collect much-needed non-perishable goods. With the tradition of measuring twice and cutting once, followed by delivering on time,  Kusiak runs his charity drive the way he runs his business.  Goals are set, make smart plans and finish on time with expected outcomes.  The drive culminates during his Friday Radio program from 6:00-9:00. His family unloads the goods and accepts donations while Kusiak promotes and engages his listeners.


Donators for the 2022 NWI Food Drive will be unloaded from your vehicle. You will be asked to pull up to the Kusiak Truck where the bags of food are packed in. It will be parked in front of the WJOB Radio Station at 7150 Indianapolis Blvd in Hammond, IN. Just look for the bright yellow Kusiak Construction sign.  Of course, a good contractor doesn’t quit until the job is finished. When the 2022 NWI Food Drive ends at 9 AM, Kusiak drives the food over to the Food Bank of NWI and helps fill the pantry. Job complete!

A Touching Video Capturing the 2021 NWI Food Drive

What Kind of Food Should to Donate?

Kusiak Fight's Hunger this Friday!

Kusiak requests foods that are nutrient-rich, healthy, and tasty… stuff you would want to eat! Canned Proteins – Canned chicken, tuna, and salmon are good, shelf-stable items that can add much-needed protein to a meal.

  • Peanut Butter and Unsalted Nuts – Peanut butter in a jar, peanut butter on crackers, or a container of unsalted nuts are a delicious, protein-packed lunch or snack.
  • Mixes and Cereals made with water – Many households don’t regularly have milk or eggs, so consider boxed meals that can be made with just water. Think oatmeal, cereals, instant rice, or packaged pasta and noodles.
  • Canned/Dried Beans, Lentils, Chickpeas – These are great protein options for vegetarians, and can be used alone, in soups, or as part of a full meal.
  • Ready-to-Eat Fruit – Whether they’re used for breakfast, in lunch, or an on-the-go snack, single-serve fruit cups, squeezable fruit sauces, or cartons of dried fruit.

Stay connected to Kusiak Constructions with the Kusiak Events & Media Page.


By Jim Jano Janesheski






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