1235 Summer St., Hammond, IN 46320
219.923.3007 | [email protected]

Tag windows

27 Aug

Black Vinyl Windows | NWI’s Hottest Home Improvement Trend

Picture your home getting a gorgeous refresh with the hottest trend in home improvement: black vinyl windows. While vinyl black windows are the hottest trend in Northwest Indiana, real estate experts consider replacing your home's existing windows with the newest energy-efficient replacement windows to be an intelligent investment. These windows improve your home's resale value and save you money on heating and cooling bills.

16 Mar

Why Vinyl Windows fit NWI like a Glove | FAQ with Kusiak & Contractor Bob

Today, you’ll learn why vinyl windows fit Northwest Indiana like a glove. You’ll discover why it’s not just the best value, but also why vinyl window replacement is the best choice, even when the price is not a factor. To answer this, we turn to local home improvement celebrities, Dave Kusiak and Bob Popovich. This […]